1. Remove from box and charge 
  2. ready asset tag 
  3. power on computer 
  4. walk through set up steps (country, language, wifi) 
  5. There should be a step to enroll the computer to The Episcopal Academy 
  6. asks for user information, is the computer for a student or a faculty/ staff member?
  7. Faculty: user = fac password = EAacc355! Student: user = stu password ea1785ea 
  8. enable location services for date and time information
  9. should take you to an admin log in. Log in with current admin credentials 
  10. after logging in ensure computer is connected to wi-fi or an internet source 
  11. jamf should run all the necessary commands but if you would like to see what step is currently running:
  12. open terminal run "tail -f /var/log/jamf.log"
  13. if for whatever reason jamf freezes or is no longer running commands run "sudo jamf policy" this will force the computer to talk to jamf to see what is missing
  14. a pop up should occur asking for the asset tag and user name for the user of the computer 
  15. after this completes the computer should bind to ad 
  16. a pop up should occur that recon is finished which is essentially all complete